Campus Resources for Student Employment
College Night and Homecoming 2024
Spotlight on the University of Montevallo Police Department
Important Dates to Remember
Campus Resources for Student Employment
Is your student looking for a job? The University of Montevallo provides resources to students seeking employment through the Student Employment Office and the Career Development Center.
The Student Employment Office is designed to help students pursue their educational goals by providing employment opportunities and professional development resources. Additionally, the Student Employment Office provides the human resources function for student employees and University departments. The Student Employment Office maintains an online on-campus job database, supports an applicant tracking system and assists student employees with the onboarding process.
There are generally two classifications of on-campus positions: Work Study and Jobship.
• Work Study positions are for students who meet specific criteria and have been awarded aid by the UM Student Aid Office. To determine if you are eligible for Work Study, contact the UM Student Aid Office at 205-665-6050. Having an award for Work Study will increase your chances of finding on-campus employment.
• Jobship positions may be filled by any UM student based on the results of a competitive application and interview process.
For more information about the services provided by the Student Employment Office or to search for available on-campus jobs, visit
The Career Development Center (CDC) offers a variety of services and resources to help students reach their professional goals. The CDC is located on the second floor of Farmer Hall and provides career counseling, comprehensive assistance with career planning, career exploration, professional development and job market strategies. Services are available to all current students and alumni. To request an appointment, email, call 205-665-6262 or drop by the CDC office. For more information about the services and resources the CDC provides, visit
College Night and Homecoming 2024
Since 1919, College Night has defined our homecoming tradition. UM students have participated in a school spirit competition unlike any other. First designed to celebrate the introduction of a four-year college curriculum, the early celebrations were competitions between classes. In 1921, to celebrate UM’s 25th anniversary, students were divided into two teams, the Gold Side and the Purple Side. Growing in importance and attracting large numbers of alumni, it became the date for the observance of homecoming activities. It is a unique phenomenon in higher education — a pair of competitive, original, student-produced musical shows augmented by concurrent competitive athletic events.
In 2000, College Night was named a “Local Legacy” by the Library of Congress. It has an exhibit there in the American Folklife Center. Throughout the celebration, points are accumulated through pre-production events including sporting competitions and the productions themselves. The crowning star of UM’s College Night is the musical productions. Each side produces an original musical. Everything is created by current students — scripts, music, lyrics, costumes, choreography, sets and lighting.
Mixers and pre-production events occur during the fall semester and actual production work begins early in the spring semester. Each side tries to keep the secret of its preparation until the first performance during Homecoming week.
Juggling rehearsals and classes, members of each side give up weekends and work into the wee hours of the morning to perfect their productions until Homecoming week, which is usually the second week of February. Independent judges review and assign points to the Saturday night shows, and these points are added to pre-production points, revealing either a Gold Victory or a Purple Victory.
Though at a passing glance it can appear to be a short-lived event, the College Night experience lasts a lifetime.
Alumni Homecoming reunions and celebrations are held in conjunction with our beloved student tradition of College Night. The theme selected for this year’s Homecoming is “Unforgettable Moments, Unstoppable MomentUM.” We look forward to seeing you at our beloved Homecoming traditions February 14-17, 2024.
Alumni Pre-Sale College Night tickets are available to active alumni donors who have made a minimum $40 contribution to the University of Montevallo Foundation since Oct. 1, 2023. The donation may be made at the time of ticket purchase. Alumni event registration is not considered a tax-deductible donation. Donations added are considered tax-deductible and included in alumni giving. The Alumni Pre-Sale ends on Jan. 9 (contingent upon ticket availability).
Alumni will be able to select a seat based on availability for the night tickets as desired. The same limits will be in effect for a maximum of two (2) tickets for Friday, two (2) tickets for Saturday, OR one (1) for each night.
Ticket purchases will be monitored. If tickets purchased do not meet the criteria (contribution and amount ordered) by Jan. 5, the ticket purchase will be voided. Donations and College Night ticket purchases are non-refundable. In the event of cancelation, every effort will be made to provide ticket holders with livestream access.
If you have any questions, please contact the Alumni Affairs Office at 205-665-6223 or email
College Night tickets for students, faculty, staff and students will be available online in late January. For more information about College Night tickets, visit
For more information about College Night or Homecoming 2023, visit or
Spotlight on the University of Montevallo Police Department
Confidence in your personal safety makes it easier to reach your intellectual potential. The University of Montevallo’s Department of Public Safety is committed to keeping the campus safe and sound. The University provides a full-service public safety agency 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we’re committed to maintaining an atmosphere on campus where students feel comfortable. The Police Department strives to provide personal service to students to help ensure their safety on campus such as:
Protective Escort Services – An on-campus service to provide protective escort for members of the campus community. This service primarily serves persons who find it necessary to travel alone on campus late at night. To arrange for an escort, call 665-6155.
Alertus Mobile App: A Panic Button on Your Phone – The Alertus Mobile Recipient App offers a panic button feature that allows users to request help by sending geo-targeted incident reports directly to UMPD. The reports will be received and handled by the University Police. For more information about the Alertus App and for set up information visit
UM Alert Emergency Notifications – The University of Montevallo utilizes a state-of-the-art rapid alert system called UMAlert. This system provides members of the campus community with the most advanced rapid communication program currently available for schools. UMAlert enhances the timeliness of UM’s emergency communications and provides the University with a convenient and effective tool for informing students, faculty and staff or human or natural threats. Through UMAlert, members of the University community, whether on campus or not, can be notified within moments of an urgent event. Emergency messages can be sent via telephone (landline and cell), voicemail, text messaging and email. New user accounts are automatically registered twice a month (on the first and third Wednesdays). Students may add parent emails/phone numbers as needed to their UMAlert contact list by updating their information online. To register for UMAlert or to update your account information go to and use your official UM username and password.
Vehicle Registration – UMPD is the authorized authority for University of Montevallo Vehicle Registrations, along with Parking and Traffic Enforcement.
For more information about the many services provided by UMPD, please visit their website at Contact information for UMPD is listed below.
Department of Public Safety
Police Department, Station 6155
Montevallo, AL 35115
Police, Fire, Medical Emergency: 911
University Police Department: 205-665-6155
To Report a Crime: 205-665-6500
Protective Escort Services: 205-665-6155
Important Dates to Remember
Dec. 4-8 Final exams
Dec. 8 Fall Commencement at 5 p.m.
Dec 8 Residence halls close for Winter Holidays at 5 p.m. (7 p.m. for graduates) — except for Brooke Hall, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall
Dec. 15-Jan. 2 Winter Holidays (University closed)
Jan. 3 University reopens from Winter Holidays
Jan. 5 Residence halls open for spring semester at 8 a.m.
Jan. 8 Classes begin for spring semester/Payment deadline for spring
Jan. 8-12 Drop/Add period for spring
Jan. 12 Last day for refund for dropping course(s)
Jan. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (University closed)
Feb. 14-17 College Night and Homecoming activities
Feb. 16 No classes
Feb. 26 Mid-Semester week begins
March 12 Last day for course or semester withdrawal for spring
March 23 Spring Holiday for students and faculty begins at 5 p.m.
April 1 Classes resume at 8 a.m.
April 8 Fall 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled and returning graduate students
April 10 Fall 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled and returning undergraduate students
April 29-May 3 Final examinations for spring courses
May 4 Spring Commencement