Students with documented long-term or permanent disabilities may make accommodation requests related to their housing assignment (such as flashing fire alarms for deaf/hard-of-hearing, bathroom grab bars, ground floor assignment, wheelchair access, or a private room) or dietary restrictions (such as severe or anaphylactic food allergies). Students must complete the online housing application, pay the housing deposit, AND complete the AAC process (including application and supporting documentation). It is recommended that students with task-trained service or guide dogs contact AAC to discuss issues related to required vaccinations and behavioral expectations if they intend for the dog to live on campus.
Requests for accommodations related to housing and/or dietary needs will be reviewed by AAC staff. Consultation with appropriate staff from Housing & Residence Life, Health Services, Counseling Services and/or Dining Services may be part of the review process.
To maximize the university’s ability to consider requests, students should submit the following information by the priority deadlines below:
- Application for Housing & Dietary Requests (via online AAC portal)
- Supporting Documentation (Link contains guidelines for medical/treating professionals related to orthopedic, medical, sensory or psychiatric needs.)
May 1
October 1
May/Summer 1/Summer 2
March 1
Late requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis regardless of when they are received, but they cannot be guaranteed if the priority deadline has passed. Below is a summary of the factors considered when evaluating housing requests. It could be helpful to share this information with the treating professional if you are requesting new documentation for the University.
Severity of Condition
- Is the impact of the condition life-threatening if the request is not met?
- Is there a negative health impact that may be permanent if the request is not met?
- Is the request an integral component of a treatment plan for the condition in question?
- What is the likely impact on academic performance if the request is not met?
Timing of Request
- Was the request made at the time of the initial housing request?
- Was the request made before the deadline for housing requests for the semester in question?
- Was the request made as soon as possible after identifying the need? (Based on date of diagnosis, receipt of housing assignment, change in status, etc.)
Feasibility and Availability
- Is space available that meets the student’s needs?
- Can space or procedures be adapted to provide the requested configuration?
- Are there other effective methods or housing configurations that would achieve similar benefits as the requested configuration?
- How does meeting this request impact housing commitments to other students?
Please send any documentation for housing disability-related requests to AAC (NOT to Housing). Documentation may be uploaded via the link provided after completing the AAC application. If sent directly from a treating professional it may be emailed or faxed. Documentation should be signed, dated and on professional letterhead.
Access and Compliance
University of Montevallo
Phone: (205) 665-6250
Fax: (205) 665-6255