Communication Faculty & Staff

Dr. Tiffany Wang

Dr. Tiffany Wang

Dr. Tiffany R. Wang
Professor and Coordinator of Communication Studies
Director of Progression to Profession QEP
Strong Hall 135
(205) 665-6623

Tiffany R. Wang is a professor of communication studies, program coordinator, and basic course coordinator in the College of Fine Arts at the University of Montevallo. She also serves as the Director of Progression to Profession QEP. Wang holds a B.S. and M.S. from Texas Christian University and a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Wang’s research interests include instructional communication, communication education, and family communication. She is an active member of the Alabama Communication Association (ACA), the Central States Communication Association (CSCA), and the National Communication Association (NCA). Wang’s research appears in peer-reviewed journals, including Communication Education, Communication Monographs, Communication Reports, Communication Teacher, Human Communication Research, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Communication Pedagogy, The Journal of Continuing Higher EducationJournal of Divorce & Remarriage, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota, Personal Relationships, and the TCU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creativity.

Wang is also active in disciplinary and university service. At the disciplinary level, she currently serves as ACA President, CSCA Executive Director, NCA Legislative Assembly Representative, and NCA Nominating Committee Member. At the university level, Wang advises the Lambda Pi Eta Lambda Nu and Alpha Delta Pi Zeta Delta Chapters, chairs the Human and Animal Subjects Research Committee, co-chairs the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, and serves on the Faculty Honors Committee.

Wang teaches courses including Communication Theory, Communication Training and Development, Family Communication, Instructional Communication, Introduction to Communication Research Methods, Senior Seminar, Small Group Communication, and Social Media and Public Relations.

In recognition of her research, teaching, and service, Wang has received the following university and disciplinary awards:

  • 2023 NCA Interpersonal Communication Division Franklin H. Knower Award
  • 2021 ACA Excellence in Teaching Award
  • 2020 UM University Scholar
  • 2020 Senior Class Elite Night Dedication
  • 2020 NCA Family Communication Division Distinguished Article Award
  • 2019 NCA Lambda Pi Eta Thomas L. Veenendall Advisor of the Year Award
  • 2018 National Society of Leadership and Success UM Chapter Excellence in Teaching Award
  • 2017 CSCA Outstanding New Teacher Award
  • 2016 UM College of Fine Arts Distinguished Teacher Award
  • 2016 UM Honors Program Faculty Award
  • 2016 UM Student Life Advisor of the Year Award
  • 2016 UM Quality Enhancement Plan Montevallo Information Literacy Innovator (MILI) Award

Wang lives in Helena with her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Lady London Rose. She enjoys baking, watching British/historical TV shows/documentaries, and updating London’s Instagram page with pictures from outings, play dates, and ballet/theatre performances based on social media and public relations best practices.